Gum Disease Treatment Reno

Restoring the Health of Your Smile’s Foundation

Your teeth are certainly an integral part of your smile; however, did you know that your gums play an equal role in maintaining excellent oral health? Without these soft tissues to hold your teeth in place, they wouldn’t be able to function as intended and would also be vulnerable to all sorts of issues. This is why gum disease is such a menace; this condition is actually the leading cause of tooth loss worldwide, and without intervention, it can wreak havoc on one’s smile as well as the rest of the body. Luckily, it's also something that our team can help with! To learn more about our options for gum disease treatment in Reno or to schedule an appointment, please contact our dental office.

Why Choose Smile Design Implant Centers for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • Qualified Staff with Years of Experience
  • Advanced Dental Technology Ensures Optimal Outcomes
  • Numerous Flexible Financing Options Available

Scaling & Root Planing

Illustrated dental scaler clearing plaque from teeth during gum disease treatment

Scaling and root planing treatment is one of the go-to methods for addressing advanced gum disease. This entails a thorough cleaning both above and below the gumline, ensuring that all of the problematic bacteria are cleared out. The other key part of the process involves smoothing the rough surfaces of your tooth roots, to prevent future reinfection and to help the gum tissue healthily reattach itself.

Chao Pinhole Technique

Illustrated mouth with receding gums

When gum recession occurs, the root structures of the teeth become exposed, meaning that decay and other problems can affect the teeth underneath the gumline. The Chao Pinhole Technique is a breakthrough treatment for gum recession, and unlike traditional grafting techniques, this method is incision and suture-free, nor does it require donor tissue. This means less discomfort for patients after treatment, faster recovery times, and of course, optimal results!