Advanced Dental Technology Reno

Using Technology to Precisely Reshape Smiles

Here at Smile Design Implant Centers, we know that technology can be quite an important asset in the world of modern dentistry. That’s why we’ve spared no expenses when it comes to outfitting our dental office with some of the best equipment available. To learn a little more about some of the advanced dental technology in Reno that we use to ensure optimal dental health for you and your loved ones, continue reading below or call us today.

In-House 3D Printing

Hand holding a 3 D printed denture made with advanced dental technology in Reno

We’re excited to have our very own 3D printer here in our Reno dental office! Our team can use this technology to rapidly draw up and fabricate all kinds of different treatments and devices, including nightguards, surgical guides, wax-ups, and more. This ultimately saves everyone a great deal of time and money, since it expedites certain processes and makes it much simpler to deliver working results. Better yet, this machine ensures that absolutely nothing is sacrificed in terms of quality when it comes to these solutions.

Digital Dental Impressions

Dental patient having digital impressions of her teeth taken

In the past, the process of taking dental impressions involved gooey, gag-inducing putty. We’re thrilled to eliminate this messy and cumbersome method and replace it with our digital impressions system. This technology offers a much more modern, efficient, and convenient way of taking incredibly precise impressions of your mouth, which can then be transferred to our dental laboratories to craft high-quality restorations and oral appliances.

CT/Cone Beam Scanner

Dental patient having a C T scan of her jaw taken

Our cone beam CT scanner is effective for diagnosing and evaluating various types of dental conditions, as well as planning treatments. To put it simply, this modern tool makes it drastically easier for our team to look inside your mouth, see what issues are present, and begin putting together a game plan for getting things back on track! It essentially renders a 3D image reconstruction of your teeth, gums, tongue, throat, and the rest of your orofacial structures, which can then be viewed on a digital screen for comprehensive planning.