Cosmetic Dentist Reno

Helping You to Realize Your Smile’s Dazzling Potential

Nobody should ever feel unhappy or unsatisfied with their smile’s appearance; after all, our smiles are important assets that help us make meaningful connections with others! That said, you also shouldn’t feel discouraged or ready to give up if your smile needs some work; cosmetic dentistry is certain to offer a life-changing solution. If you’re curious about receiving cosmetic dentistry in Reno to help you realize your smile’s true potential, just give our office a call; we can’t wait to work with you!

Why Choose Smile Design Implant Centers for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Personalized Dental Care to Meet Unique Needs
  • Skilled Dental Team with Keen Eye for Detail
  • Multiple Flexible Financing Options Available


Several veneers on table next to dental mirror

Veneers are small coverings made from porcelain that can be directly bonded to the surfaces of teeth with aesthetic flaws. They’re ideal for addressing chips or cracks in teeth, gaps between teeth, staining that is resistant to whitening, and other types of issues. Although the method for receiving veneers does require some slight alteration to the existing teeth (a small amount of enamel must be removed), this is not a concern at all and ultimately ensures the future success of the veneers.

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Illustrated row of teeth with white filling material

In the past, dental restorations were often made using a silver-colored material called metal amalgam, which was actually a mixture of various types of metal alloys. While effective and durable, these kinds of restorations are far from natural-looking and also tend to be reactive to temperatures, among other small flaws. Here at Smile Design Implant Centers, we’re pleased to offer metal-free restorations made from beautiful, biocompatible materials like zirconia. With the right care, these can last for years, helping you to achieve optimal oral health and beauty for the foreseeable future.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Illustration of dental bonding material being applied to upper front tooth

Cosmetic bonding, sometimes referred to as dental bonding, is one of the most versatile cosmetic dentistry treatment options that we offer here in our Reno dental office. It’s capable of tackling all kinds of aesthetic issues, including chipped or cracked teeth, misshapen teeth, stubborn areas of staining, and more. It involves applying a small amount of composite resin to the tooth or teeth in question, and molding and shading it as needed to ensure a seamless, natural appearance. This resin is hardened with a special curing light and can last for several years before it needs to be touched up or replaced, which is just as easy of a process as the first time. 

Teeth Whitening

Dental patient having her teeth professionally whitened

Very few people have naturally white teeth; not to mention, some smiles have the tendency to look duller after years of wear and consuming certain foods and beverages. Luckily, teeth whitening treatment is often an ideal way to reverse this and ensure dazzling teeth for many years to come. Here at Smile Design Implant Centers, we proudly offer both in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments. Each option is personalized for your specific needs and capable of helping you achieve dazzling results. That said, many of our patients tend to prefer our take-home kits, as the convenience of whitening on your own schedule and from the comfort of your own home simply can’t be beaten!

Gum Recontouring/Crown Lengthening

Illustrated dental laser treating an uneven gumline

Do your gums cover up more of your teeth than they’re supposed to? This issue is commonly referred to as a “gummy smile,” and though it might not seem like a huge deal, it can actually increase the risk of certain dental issues – not to mention, it can notably impact one’s self-esteem! That alone is reason enough to seek treatment like gum recontouring, also sometimes called crown lengthening. This process allows us to carefully reshape your gumline and remove excess gum tissue as needed, ensuring that your teeth are fully visible.

Smile Makeovers

Dental patient beaming at her new smile in mirror

Some patients have concerns that their smiles are in such abysmal states that cosmetic treatment simply isn’t worthwhile – but this is never the case! This is where smile makeovers truly shine; we can carefully consider your situation, evaluate your smile goals, and work with you to come up with a streamlined and effective treatment plan for getting your teeth back on track. We utilize virtual smile design as a part of this process, to ensure that you’re able to clearly see the exciting direction your smile is heading in!