Dental Implants Reno

The Gold Standard of Tooth Replacement

Dental implants are an incredible solution for replacing missing teeth because they can do things that other restorations can’t; for instance, they replace the root structure of missing teeth, whereas traditional dentures do not. But the advantages don’t stop there; dental implants offer all sorts of other impressive, life-changing benefits! To learn more about dental implants in Reno and how our team can use them to restore your smile and boost your quality of life, contact our office today.

Why Choose Smile Design Implant Centers for Dental Implants?

  • Entire Implant Process Completed In-House
  • Flexible Financing Options Available
  • Skilled Dental Team with Years of Experience

What Are Dental Implants?

Model of the mouth with a dental implant in Reno replacing a tooth

Dental implants are small posts made from titanium that are surgically placed directly into a patient’s jawbone. Since they’re made from titanium, which is biocompatible with bone tissue, they can fuse with a patient’s jaw and act as replacement tooth roots for a corresponding dental restoration. They also offer incredible, unmatched oral functionality and effectively prevent future bone resorption. Better yet, under ideal circumstances, dental implants have the potential to last for decades or even a lifetime!

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Woman in dental chair grinning at her dentist
  • Initial Dental Implant Consultation – During this appointment, we’ll be able to evaluate your tooth loss and oral health to determine if dental implants are a viable option. Patients with insufficient jawbone density or compromised gum health might need to undergo preliminary procedures before receiving dental implants.
  • Dental Implant Surgery – We can complete the entire dental implant process here in our Reno dental office, which ultimately saves your time and energy, and also makes coordinating things much easier. The procedure itself is very straightforward; the implants are placed where they’re needed directly into the jawbone via a minor surgical procedure.
  • Dental Implant Osseointegration/Abutment – After the implants have been placed, osseointegration can begin, which is the process in which the biocompatible posts fuse with the bone tissue. This ensures future stability for your custom restoration. Abutment pieces are attached to these posts once they’ve fused with the jaw.
  • Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s) – Once everything has healed, we’ll call you back in to deliver your custom-made dental restoration, which is attached to your abutments. After making sure that everything looks and functions correctly, you’ll be free to enjoy your brand-new smile!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Senior man holding coffee mug and looking out of a window

There are a variety of factors that go into whether or not a patient is a good candidate for dental implants in Reno. If you stay on top of your at-home and professional dental hygiene routines, you’re likely a good candidate for dental implants. However, there are a number of factors that go into considering your candidacy.

Dental implants require healthy bone structure to be successful, so patients should have enough natural bone to hold an implant. If your jawbone has receded over time, a bone graft may be required to correct this issue and allow you to receive dental implants.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Smiling woman eating ice cream cone

Dental implants are the closest restoration option to your natural teeth. They can replace a single missing tooth, a row of teeth, or even all of your teeth. Your implant dentist will design your restoration to look natural and blend in with your smile, so no one will be able to tell that you have a dental prosthetic.

When you lose a tooth, your jawbone will begin to recede from lack of stimulation. This can cause your cheeks to look sunken, give you wrinkles, and make you look older than you are. Dental implants are the only restorative dentistry treatment that can stop jawbone resorption.

Dental implants will also restore your chewing function and prevent jawbone degeneration. Because you can eat whatever you want with implants and don't have to worry about damaging your restoration, your lifestyle will likely improve dramatically.